Thursday 18th February
Surname | First Name | Description | Result |
HANICAR | CHRIS | Ball Sweep | 43 |
Bell | Peter | Ball Sweep | 40 |
Farr | Tony | Ball Sweep | 40 |
Loxley | Matthew | Ball Sweep | 40 |
Ross | Daniel | Ball Sweep | 39 |
Gannon | Anthony | Ball Sweep | 38 |
Stait | Kerry | Ball Sweep | 38 |
Hoffman | Robert | Ball Sweep | 38 |
Davis | Jackson | Ball Sweep | 38 |
Dury | Paul | Ball Sweep | 38 |
McCarthy | Deidre | Ball Sweep | 38 |
Collins | Doug | Ball Sweep | 37 |
Bruce | Darryn | Ball Sweep | 37 |
Mair | Brian | Ball Sweep | 37 |
Travis | David | Ball Sweep | 37 |
Leseberg | Greg | Ball Sweep | 37 |
Dorman | Chris | Ball Sweep | 37 |
Clemens | David | Ball Sweep | 36 |
Casey | William | Ball Sweep | 36 |
Chandler | Wayne | Ball Sweep | 36 |
Bourke | Darrell | Ball Sweep | 36 |
Hurst | Joshua | Ball Sweep | 36 |
Ring | Peter | Ball Sweep | 36 |
Perfect | John | Ball Sweep | 36 |
Wells | Anthony | Ball Sweep | 36 |
Salmon | Martyn | Ball Sweep | 36 |
Carter | Michael | Ball Sweep | 36 |
Chifley | Terry | Ball Sweep | 35 |
Northey | Richard | Ball Sweep | 35 |
Wise | Anthony | Ball Sweep | 35 |
Glencorse | Stephen | Ball Sweep | 35 |
Price | Lawrence | Ball Sweep | 35 |
Lisle | Janette | Ball Sweep | 35 |
Hundy | James | Ball Sweep | 35 |
Tyson | Graham | Ball Sweep | 35 |
Lilly | David | Ball Sweep | 35 |
Rosconi | Paul | Ball Sweep | 35 |
O’Donnell | Richard | Ball Sweep | 34 |
White | Timothy | Ball Sweep | 34 |
Johnston | Lousea | Ball Sweep | 34 |
Cairns | John | Ball Sweep | 34 |
Rodenhuis | Ian | Ball Sweep | 34 |
Pomeroy | Garry | Ball Sweep | 34 |
Chapman | David | Ball Sweep | 34 |
Johnson | James | Ball Sweep | 34 |
Porter | Adam | Ball Sweep | 34 |
KIRKMAN | ANDREW | Ball Sweep | 34 |
Clemens | David | Scratch A Grade | 36 Points |
Rosconi | Paul | Scratch B Grade | 21 Points |
Daunt | Shane | Nearest to Pin 8th | 145 cms |
Bruce | Darryn | Nearest to Pin 13th | 154 cms |
Hodson | Reece | Scratch 2BBB | 61 Points |
Bruce | Darryn | Scratch 2BBB | 61 Points |
Stait | Kerry | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 83 Points |
Gannon | Anthony | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 83 Points |
Dorman | Chris | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 82 Points |
Brilley | Norman | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 82 Points |
Hundy | James | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 81 Points |
Hanicar | Chris | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 81 Points |
Dury | Paul | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 76 Points |
Jackson | Robert | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 76 Points |
Mair | Brian | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 75 Points |
Glencorse | Stephen | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 75 Points |
Price | Lawrence | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 72 Points |
Cairns | John | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 72 Points |
Staines | Terry | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 70 Points |
Loxley | Matthew | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 70 Points |
Constable | Bradley | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 69 Points |
Casey | William | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 69 Points |
Ring | Peter | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 69 Points |
Wise | Anthony | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 69 Points |
Colley | Lester | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 69 Points |
Hoffman | Robert | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 69 Points |
Lisle | Janette | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 68 Points |
KIRKMAN | ANDREW | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 68 Points |
Payne | John | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 68 Points |
Kajons | Andrew | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 68 Points |
Sams | David | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 68 Points |
Ross | Daniel | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 68 Points |
Hodson | Reece | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 66 Points |
Bruce | Darryn | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 66 Points |
Bourke | Darrell | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 65 Points |
Young | John | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 65 Points |
Pro | Manuel | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 64 Points |
Lilly | David | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 64 Points |
Carter | Michael | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 64 Points |
Beacroft | Warwick | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 64 Points |
Chifley | Terry | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 63 Points |
Hadson | Chris | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 63 Points |
Moss | Owen | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 62 Points |
Perfect | John | Ball Sweep 2BBB | 62 Points |