Major Event Conditions
Club Championships (Men)
Club Championships are held over 3 weekends consisting of 72 holes stroke play. They are contested in 4 grades consisting of:
A Grade – 0 to 9 (unless an approved handicap of lower applies)
B Grade – 10 to 13
B1 Grade – 14 to 18
C Grade – 19 and above.
The above handicaps are the daily handicap as calculated for Bathurst Golf Course.
Entry condition– It is a condition of entry in this competition that at the conclusion of the third round the top four qualifiers of each grade will play together as the “Feature groups” at a time to be determined by the match committee.
Non-compliance of this condition without match committee approval may result in disqualification.
If a playoff is required in any grade, it will be held the following Saturday over 18 holes.
If play is disrupted by inclement weather the event may be rescheduled or shortened at the discretion of the match committee.
Foursomes Championships (Men)
The Foursomes Championships are held over one 27 hole round
It is contested in 3 grades consisting of:
A Grade – Handicap of 9 or lower
B Grade – Handicap 10 to 18
C Grade –19 and over.
The above handicaps are the daily handicap as calculated for Bathurst Golf Course.
The Handicap to be used for grading purposes is half the combined individual handicaps.
Teams may change their order of play at the completion of each stipulated round in accordance with the rules of golf. If a play-off is required in any grade, it will be held at a time designated by the Match Committee.
If play is disrupted by inclement weather the event may be rescheduled or shortened at the discretion of the match committee.
Mixed Foursomes Championships
The Mixed Foursomes Championships are held over 18 holes, and is contested in 1 grade only.
The Handicap to be used for this event is half the combined individual handicaps.
The order of play for the Mixed Foursomes requires the gentlemen to hit of the odd numbered holes and this must be maintained throughout the 18 holes. (i.e. Holes 1, 3, 5, etc to 18.)
If a play off is required, it will be held at a time designated by the Match Committee.
If play is disrupted by inclement weather the event may be rescheduled or shortened at the discretion of the match committee.
Bathurst Open (Men)
The Bathurst Open is played over 36 holes consisting of 18 holes each day.
It is contested in 3 grades consisting of:
A Grade – Handicap of 9 or lower
B Grade – Handicap 10 to 18
C Grade –19 and over to be played in the stableford format
The above handicaps are the daily handicap as calculated for Bathurst Golf Course.
Entry condition– It is a condition of entry in this competition that at the conclusion of the first round the top four qualifiers of A grade will play together as the “Feature group” at a time to be determined by the match committee.
Non-compliance of this condition without match committee approval may result in disqualification.
If a play-off is required in any grade, it will be held on a sudden death format playing holes 10,11,18,7,8&9 as required.
Knock out Events
Knockout Competitions (Leeholme Cup and Jimmy Johnson Trophy) will be played in a match-play format
Teams/players may by mutual agreement play their game at any time prior to the designated date. If there is no mutual agreement a play a forfeit rule will apply.
Players must be available to play all rounds for the Knockout Competitions as designated in the program. No match will be delayed for any reason. Players must report to the Starter 15 minutes prior to tee off time. Players failing to report to the Starter by their tee off time will be disqualified from the event.
The match result must be posted with the Proshop at the completion of the game
A protest or dispute in connection with any competition or match shall be made to the Match Committee or General Manager immediately upon completion of play in such competition or match.
Members are advised to study the benefits listed under Rule 3-3.
Marking Cards
All cards should be returned for record purposes within 10 minutes of completion of the round even if incomplete. Non-return of a card may be deemed as intent to protect handicap.
Each competitor is responsible for checking, signing and returning his/her card as soon as possible.
Scratch Score Prizes in 4BBB competitions
Players who wish their scratch score to be considered for the scratch score prize must write their scratch score in the appropriate box on the score card. If no score is entered the card will be not be considered for scratch score prizes.
Handicaps for Competition
Players should check their handicaps before playing in any competition or match play event.
A member belonging to more than one Club must nominate one only as his/her Home Club. In Open Events, members must play off their AGU handicap currently held, adjusted for the daily slope rating for the Bathurst Golf Course.
American (Pinehurst) and Canadian Foursomes
Stroke – Half of aggregated stroke handicap
4 Person – 1/8 total handicap
3 Person – 1/6 total handicap
2 Person – ¼ total handicap
SCOBIE CUP: 7 points are allocated on the basis of 4 points first, 2 points second, 1 point third to the first three players in A, B and C grades in each Saturday individual competition. The best aggregate points at the end of each season wins the trophy.
LEEHOLME CUP: Knockout individual competition played under matchplay format.
Top 32 players qualify from the nominated qualifying round.
JIMMY JOHNSON TROPHY: Knockout four ball competition played under 4BBB matchplay format.Top 32 pairs qualify from the nominated qualifying round.
MANEELA MUG: For the best aggregate of five stableford scores from closing day to Australia Day weekend. Stableford scores from all events played are eligible provided a legal stableford score is recorded.
CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHIES: are awarded to the winners of A, B, B1, C, Junior, and Veteran grades.
JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP: is open to junior members under 18 years of age at the time of the competition’s first round – Best gross score over Championship rounds.
VETERAN CHAMPIONSHIP: Is Open to Members 55 years or over on 1st January. Best gross score over Championship rounds.
VETERAN HANDICAP TROPHY: Is Open to Members 55 years or over on 1st January. Best net score over Championship rounds.
PRESIDENTS TROPHY: For the best net aggregate in Championship rounds, A grade.
PATRONS TROPHY: For the best net aggregate in Championship rounds, B grade.
CAPTAINS TROPHY: For the best net aggregate in Championship rounds, B1 grade.
BERT NORRIE TROPHY: For the best net aggregate in Championship rounds, C grade.
MAX HOWARD TROPHY: Presented to the player with the best nett aggregate score over the Championship rounds. Donated by Max Howard’s family
PEDRO MARTINS TROPHY: For the Medal of Medals winner. Open to all monthly medal winners in all grades during the year. Contested in the December Monthly Medal round.
DOWLING TROPHY: For Mixed 4BBB. Won by the pair with the best aggregate stableford points from the best four of eight rounds from February to November.
JENNIFER PARDEY TROPHY: Knockout mixed four ball match play from current handicaps. Top 8 pairs from Dowling Trophy to qualify.
SCRATCH POINT SCORE TROPHY: For Saturday stroke rounds. 4 points for best gross score, 2 points second, 1 point third. The best aggregate points at the end of each season wins the trophy.
TERRY MCGOVERN THURSDAY POINT SCORE: For individual competition during the season, 4 points first, 2 points second, 1 point third are allocated to each grade. The best aggregate points at the end of each season wins the trophy.
Ivor Hector Trophy – Stroke Play Champion introduced in 2015
From the months of February to December every player playing the Monthly Medal rounds will be allocated a position in the field determined by their nett score, regardless of grade.
Best nett score will get one point, second will get 2 points and so on.